Misconception: Political, Economic, and Charitable Thought

Misconception: Political, Economic, and Charitable Thought is a blog with the intent of sharing uncommon ideas. The average person thinks within the parameters of current societal norms. What if we escaped those norms? What if there were more than 2 political candidates on our minds? What if charitable giving has unintended consequences? Those are the sort of questions we are going to be asking ourselves. 

Before you conclude that this blog's purpose is to persuade you of anything, know that my intentions are much different. I have absolutely no idea what the solution is to any of our world's problems, but I want a springboard for us to develop some potential solutions together. 

I try to think outside of the box, especially when it comes to our approach to common debates, issues, etc., but I want to foster a culture of legitimate discussion on this blog. I want feedback, ideas, questions, answers, and anything else you can contribute. If you're a nut-job that's hellbent on one way of thinking, bring it on: you might know all of the answers to problems we try to solve. Any and all are welcome, and I appreciate your participation in Misconception's unfolding.  
